
Friday 24 October 2008

Rules engine for NGinn

Today I have added a first working version of a rules engine to NGinn. The source code is in 'NGinn.RippleBoo' folder. 

The RippleBoo engine implements algorighm called 'Ripple Down Rules' - basically it is a binary decision tree. Each rule has simple "if then " structure, where condition is a boolean expression and action is a block of instructions. Apart from that, rule defines what will be the next rule to evaluate by specifying successor rule in positive case and successor rule in negative case. 

When rule condition evals to true, its action is executed and next rule to evaluate will be the 'positive' successor rule. When condition evals to false, action will not be executed and next rule to evaluate will be the 'negative' successor. In effect, we get a binary decision tree, but we don't have to worry about its completeness because it is guaranteed that at least one rule will fire no matter what are the conditions (because the first rule is always true).

Rules were implemented in Boo language using the RhinoDSL library from the Rhino-tools package. Rhino DSL is a library for building DSLs (domain specific languages) in Boo. Here's a link to its author's blog: http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2007/12/03/Implementing-a-DSL.aspx. The guy has done a great work and many interesting examples of DSLs can be found there.

Below is an example ruleset in my "rule definition language". BTW, it's also a valid Boo script:

Ruleset "MyRules"

rule "R1", "R2", null, V.Counter < 9:

rule "R2", "R3", null, V.Counter < 8:
log.Info ("R2")

rule "R3", "R4", null, V.Counter < 7:
log.Info ("R3")

rule "R4", null, "R5", V.Counter == 1:
log.Info ("R4")

rule "R5", "R6", null, 1 == 1:
log.Info ("R5: Counter is ${V.Counter}")

rule "R6", "X", null, 2 % 2 == 0:
log.Info ("Rule six: {0}", date.Now)

rule "X", null, null, date.Today > date.Parse('2008-10-11'):
log.Warn("The X Rule!!!")

Sorry for the formatting, I'll fix that in spare time. And a short explanation of what each 'rule' means.
'rule' keyword defines a new rule. It has 5 parameters:
  • rule Id
  • id of positive successor rule (null if there is no successor)
  • id of negative successor rule (null if there is no successor)
  • condition
  • and action (action starts in new line, after last colon - because Boo allows such syntax).

So this entry:

rule "R6", "X", null, 2 % 2 == 0:
log.Info ("Rule six: {0}", date.Now)

means 'define rule R6 that will fire if expression "2 % 2 == 0" evals to true. If it is true, execute action that writes current date to log file. Next rule to evaluate will be "X", or none if the rule doesn't fire'

Currently rules engine is a completely standalone project, but I plan to integrate it into NGinn process engine.It will be used in many places, certainly as a part of process logic, but also for message routing and preprocessing. 

The main problem is that Boo is not yet used in NGinn, except for the RippleBoo project. Currently Script.Net language is the main script environment for NGinn processes and I wouldn't like to mix these two languages. So probably only one is here to stay, and chances are it will be Boo. Script.Net is more elastic and easier to use, but Boo is more mature, better tested and documented. Main issue with Boo is that it's a compiled language, so it will require more effort to integrate it with NGinn engine which is very 'dynamic' in nature. 

Wednesday 8 October 2008

BPMN - a close family

I have always considered BMPN (Business Process Modelling Notation) to be the 'best' language in its domain - very expressive and well thought out, able to describe real world situations without using strange hacks and without oversimplification. However, I have never thought about implementing it in NGinn - full BPMN 1.1 implementation seemed too complex to be an open-source project objective, especially single-person project.

So I have turned to less complex ideas after reading a bit about YAWL and decided to implement similar language for .Net. But it turns out that YAWL (and NGinn as a consequence) use very similar concepts that can be found in BPMN. That's because all of them are all based on Petri nets, but differ in everything that was added over basic Petri-net specification. For example, BPMN defines several control structures based on non-local events, such as errors (exception handling), compensation and cancellation - quite useful. NGinn has no special constructs for exception handling and no notion of compensating. But when we analyze what 'workflow patterns' can be imlemented in these languages, it turns out that there are no patterns in BPMN that could not be implemented in NGinn or YAWL. It's only a matter of convenience - for example, error handling or compensating is easy to do in BPMN and not so obvious in NGinn (custom logic required). Maybe a material for 2.0 version.

Here's a link to a very nice website about BPMN - Dive Into BPM. Enjoy the dive!

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Today I'd like to describe some examples of processes that are known to be working in current version of nginn. The focus is on control structures, not the actual task functionality (which is very incomplete as for now). I have selected rather complex and not very obvious examples because the basic ones such as parallelism (AND-split), sequences and decisions (XOR-splits), well, should just work or there wouln't be much to talk about.

Deferred choice with a timeout

This is a very common pattern - deferred choice with a timeout. It can be used for adding some time limits to manual or other tasks. When token is placed in 'start', both tasks are enabled - 'eval_candidate' and 'timeout'. When 'eval_candidate' completes first, timeout is cancelled. When timeout completes first (deadline is reached), eval_candidate is cancelled. 

Deferred choice - complex situation

This proces is an example of more complex implicit choice. There are two places with implicit choice (p1 and p2), each having two possible tasks. However, they share the t2 task. Functionality here is that system enables all tasks: t1, t2 and t3 after tokens arrive at p1 and p2. This construction ensures that either t1 and t3 can complete, or t2 can complete. When t2 completes, t1 and t3 will be cancelled. When t1 completes, t2 will be cancelled and t3 will stay enabled. When t3 completes, t2 will be cancelled and t1 will stay enabled.

OR-join with 'escaping' tokens

This is rather a complex example, so I was very happy to see it working. What we have here. First of all, there's t1 task with an OR-split. The split can choose V1 or V2 path, or both of them. The eval_candidate4 task is a corresponding OR-join.

The catch here is that we have a deferred choice in place p1, and eval_candidate3 task can 'steal' token from p1, effectively moving it out of OR-join's scope. Situations where either V1 or V2 path is chosen are not very interesting. However, if both V1 and V2 are chosen, the eval_candidate4 OR-join should wait for two tokens to arrive before eval_candidate4 can be enabled. But if eval_candidate3 steals the token, eval_candidate4 should 'change its mind' and wait for one token only. Why? Because no more tokens can arrive in such situation, so all possible OR-join's input paths don't contain more tokens.

OR-join with tokens 'stolen' by a cancellation (cancel sets)

Here the situation is similar to the previous case - we have an OR-split and OR-join and two paths V1 and V2. However, there's this little red arrow from t3 to p2. This arrow is a cancellation (cancel set), meaning that when t3 completes all tokens should be removed from p2 (effectively cancelling the eval_candidate2 task). 

Effect is that when both V1 and V2 are chosen, you need to complete eval_candidate and eval_candidate2 before eval_candidate4 will be enabled. Alternatively, you can complete t3, then you will not have to do eval_candidate2. After you complete eval_candidate2, completing t3 has no side-effects.

Short update about current development status

Recently I have made some important changes to the NGinn engine and feel that it's getting close to what I'd like to achieve. Here's the list of most important changes made:

  1. ProcessInstance class makeover. Most important change is that tokens no longer have an identity. At the beginning it was assumed that each token is an independent object and tracking the relation between tasks and tokens has been quite complicated. However, all tokens are the same, they don't convey information - so it was sensible to get rid of their identity. Now only numbers count - all we need to know about tokens is how many of them sit in each place. Results: 50% of code thrown away while retaining the same functionality. Performance and clarity improved.
  2. Custom process state serialization. I have decided to use custom XML serialization instead of binary serialization used previously. Main reason is that binary serialization doesn't support versioning and upgrading the library breaks old version of processes. It adds some work to task implementation, but we have complete control of persistence.
  3. Introduced distributed transactions (each step of process is run in a separate transaction).
  4. Basic infractructure is working. Now I need to concentrate on details and providing complete functionality. Especially, task implementation is quite behind.
  5. Number of examples was added to NGinn.XmlFormsWWW project. It demonstrates how to start and cancel process instances and how to handle worklist functionality (manual tasks). Simple TODO List web application is working (sort of).
Summing up, NGinn API is maturing and there are no heavy public interface modifications. It's time to start documenting it. I hope to use the engine in some commercial project, so this should speed things up and improve the quality. Sounds nice.